Friday, March 24, 2017


In October 10, 2015th I went to Makassar with my family. Makassar, also known as Ujung Padang, is a port city on eastern Indonesia’s Sulawesi island. It is the provincial capital of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is the largest city on Sulawesi Island in terms of population, and the fifth largest city in Indonesia after JakartaSurabayaBandung, and Medan.

 It was my first time going there and flying on a plane so it’s pretty exciting and such a memorable.

I went to Makassar to attend my cousin’s wedding. To go there it had made me skipping school for few days because it wasn’t on holidays season when I was going. I stayed there for 5 days at one of the hotel in Makassar called Sahid Hotel. 

The hotel was actually where the wedding party's going to be held. I think the hotel was quite nice and there was a mall right next to it. so I don't need to ride a "pete-pete" (it's what they call for the public transportation there)

The first day I was there, I didn’t go to anywhere, I just stayed at my hotel room and resting. 

On the second day, I went to Pangkep, it’s the bride’s house. It took us one hour from the hotel to get there. My cousin and I was chosen to be the bride’s maids. It’s such an honor for both of us because we had to wear one of it’s traditional bridal clothing, its also tiring cus we had to wear heels.

 On the third day, I went to the Losari Beach and it was really sunny that day I got few sunburn. When were at the we took lots of pictures together, it was really fun.

 After we went to the beach, we went to a restaurant to have lunch together with all the big family. We ate seafood for lunch because the restaurant was near at the beach. The food was delish! :9

It was actually the big day for the brides. It was the day where they held the wedding party. And OMG, the decoration was AMAZING. I loved every single of it.

 It was all red with some gold accent too, it was beautiful.

On the fourth day, I went to Bantimurung it’s basically a butterfly park and it has waterfall too! There were few caves too. 

I wanted to go inside the cave, but was too tired to walk and hike so my cousins and I only walked half way there to the cave 

and we took some cool pictures of ourselves (lol :p).

 I went there to see beautiful butterflies (obviously). But I went there in a wrong season so all the butterflies were hiding :c I was a bit upset but it was such a cool experience to visit Bantimurung. I bought a butterfly keychain with my name written on it and I also got a frame with 3 dried butterflies while I was there.

 In our way back to the hotel we stopped at the gift shop, to buy some gifts for my family who wasn’t available to come here and for my friends and also my teachers in school. 

As soon as I arrived at the hotel, I jumped in to the bed and resting for a while. When night comes, I packed all my stuff and my luggage because I have to leave in the tomorrow afternoon.

On the fifth day, it was the last day in Makassar it was kinda sad to leave this place, I pretty much enjoyed being here but I still have exams to take at school so I had to go back to Jakarta.

Types of tourism from my experience:
1. Geography: Regional Tourism 
Makassar is one of the cities in Indonesia. I originally live in Jakarta.

2. Time : Occasional 
There was an event, my cousins wedding party that I had to attend

3. Goals: Vacational 
Not only to attend the wedding party but I also went to visit some places in Makassar and stayed there for 5 days.

4. Object: Social 
I went to Makassar to attend my cousins wedding party

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Tourism & Types of Tourism

Tourism is basically travelling to another destination for the purposes of recreation, leisure, or business. Tourism is the movement of the tourists from one place to another place. It is the temporary short-term movement of people to destinations outside the place where they normally live &work includes the activities they indulge in at the destination as well as all facilities and services specially created to meet their needs. Tourism does not only mean traveling to a particular destination but also includes all activities undertaken during the stay. It includes day visits & excursions. The movement can be in your country or the tourists can also travel to the foreign destinations for the tourism purpose.

Types of tourism:
1. Geography
Tourism geography is that branch of science which deals with the study of travel and its impact on places. Geography is fundamental to the study of tourism, because tourism is geographical in nature. Tourism occurs in places, it involves movement and activities between places and it is an activity in which both place characteristics and personal self-identities are formed, through the relationships that are created among places, landscapes and people. Physical geography provides the essential background, against which tourism places are created and environmental impacts and concerns are major issues, that must be considered in managing the development of tourism places.
Local tourism
The Local Travel Movement was initiated by a core coalition of people from companies that believe Local Travel is greater than the sum of its parts. Local Travel companies can help give locals a real voice, engage travellers and develop a stronger ethical dialogue within the travel industry. Leaders propose four easy steps to becoming a local traveler:
•    connecting with local people before, during and after a trip
•    traveling in a manner that is sensitive to the local environment
•    respecting local heritage and culture
•    spending money locally.
While these actions may seem self-evident, the Local Travel Movement prioritizes this conscious and conscientious shift in attention to the direct connection between visitor and local host. For travelers it’s a chance to get under a place’s skin (and let it under theirs), while also making the most of their travel time and saving money by spending locally. For host communities, it is vital for enforcing the beneficial qualities of tourism, maximizing a general awareness of the local culture and minimizing ‘leakage’ from the local economy.

Regional tourism
The topic in this unit is related to regional and rural tourism. Regional tourism is tourism concentrated in a region. A  region is an area that can be distinguished of other area’s by its own culture and structure. A  regional tourist is a tourist visiting a region or province other than in which she/he has a normal residence but with a defined geographic region as a modification of the definition. So if you are living in the Dutch province Utrecht, you are a regional inland tourist in Limburg.
In a region Tourist is in movement from L. to S. in a certain area just for fun. It can be with all kind of transportation, but also on foot.
Regional tourism is not only movement, it is also imagination and expectation: what shall I see on the route, which challenges are there, what can I do, whom shall I meet. What is nature like and what about the villages I am walking or riding through, the castles on the top, the regional meals to eat, etc.
Access to that attractive region must be more or less comfortable and fast, be it by plane, train or car to reach. Inside the region the infrastructure of all kind of routes has to be good and safe as far as necessary, taking into account the target group you are aiming for.

Regional-International Tourism

Regional-international is the growing tourism activities in an international area is limited, but go beyond the limits of more than two or three countries in the region. For example, tourism ASEAN, Middle East, South Asia, Western Europe and others.

International tourism
International tourism is the growing tourism activities in every country around the world. Consists of inbound tourism, visits to a country by non-residents, and outbound tourism, residents of a country visiting another country

2. Time
- Seasional Tourism      
That is the type of tourism, whose activities take place in certain seasons. Included in this group is the Summer or Winter Tourism Tourism, which is usually marked by sporting activities.

- Occasional Tourism
That is the type of tourism in which the tourist trip associated with the incidence (occasion) or an event, such as: Galungan and brass in Bali, sekaten in Yogya or climbing in Cirebon, a party of water in countries Hindu (India, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Singapore), and others.

3. Goals
 Business Tourism 
That is the type of tourism where visitors come for official purposes, trade or work-related, congresses, seminars and business meetings.
Vocational Tourism       
That is the type of tourism in which visitors or people who travel consists of people who are on vacation, on leave or vacation.
Education Tourism       
That is the type of tourism in which visitors or people traveling for the purpose of study or study something science. Included are dharmawisata (study-tour). In the field of language known the term "polly politish", which is to improve foreign language skills, someone needs to stay temporarily in a country whose language is being learned (to be more able to live them).

4. Objects
People travel for sports to release their pressure and fantasize about being an athlete. Being a spectator could experience the atmosphere of the competition, and have social contributions such as connecting with other audience and meet new friends.
 such as ski holidays or the Olympics.
Cultural Tourism       
That is the type of tourism, where the motivation of people to make the trip due to the appeal of the art and culture of a place or region. So the object of his visit is ancestral, ancient objects.

Religious and spiritual appreciation
People travel for spiritual needs. They visit religious headquarters usually because of religious reasons. In this way they could have stronger believe in their religion. On the other hand, many travellers gain satisfaction by appreciation of natural landscapes, art performances, and visiting museums and historical sites.

Political tourism
Political Tourism is emerging as an important area of international travel. Such trips often involve travel to areas of conflict to study first hand the circumstances on the ground, to meet the actors of both sides, and to develop an understanding of the local history.

Popular destinations are Israel and Palestine, the former Yugoslavia, and Africa. Tour operators that specialize in political tours are often non-profit organizations (NGOs) that sometimes present a partisan point of view. Other groups are private social enterprises such as in Israel/Palestine.

Recuperational Tourism       
Commonly referred to as medical tourism. People travel for improving their health. They would go for leisure and medical treatment to relax and entertain themselves. Natural landscapes, historical sites, coastline, spa and resort are the destinations of these travellers.
 The aim of people to travel to cure a disease, such as bathing in hot springs, mud baths as often found in Europe or a milk bath, a coffee bath in Japan, which he said could make charcoal ageless.

Commercial Tourism       
Known as the tourism trade, because this trip is associated with a national or international trade activities, which are often held activities Expo, fair, Exhibition and others.